
Seraphine’s Quotes Of The Day

“Love is a beautiful spectrum of divine energy that flows between the positive & negative Let this be my home and the dwelling of my soul until time is no more.”

“Nature is a beautiful, breathtaking phenomenon that shows us all facets of life and what life can be…peaceful, beautiful, turbulent, etc.”

“Love is not a just a feeling but a state of mind and an alternate dimension.”

“Love is something magical and special. An unexplained phenomenon.”

“If we live focused on tomorrow, we miss out on today. If we live regretting the past or dwelling on “what could have been”, then our here and now wastes away cutting our future short. Let’s acknowledge the past, live and enjoy today while aiming for a bright happy, healthy, and harmonious future.”

“We attract to our lives what we desire most and our intent enhances our ability to ascend or may serve as a one-way- ticket to the lowest levels of conscientiousness. Where many enter and few to none come out.”

“It takes wisdom to know when you’ve had enough, strength to make the decision and determination to see it through.”

“We must always cleanse ourselves of negative thoughts, impulses, and attitudes. Only then, can our true essence shine. “

” A life well lived is one that lives in our memories, hearts, and mind. Life is a beautiful fulfilling emotion that is born and nurtured in the body, mind, and soul. Best of all, our connection runs deep within a bond that is not so easily broken”

“Finding our virtues, talents, and gifts shouldn’t be a question of luck. Each of us ought to know where our strengths lie and how to utilize them to grow our intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness. “

“To acknowledge the gifts and talents we’ve been born with is a wonderful thing. Being grateful for them is a blessing on its own. “

“Our gifts are what set us apart from everyone else. Embrace your natural talents and live life to the fullest!

The biggest hurdles in our lives are those we construct with our insecurities and fears.

Being HAPPY is a CHOICE and a STATE of MIND.

“Happiness is not measured by what we have or don’t have. Instead, its by the quality of people we surround ourselves with, the quality of the relationships we hold and how we view ourselves and the world around us. “
Sometimes the best things in life are those we often take for granted.

Invite the extraordinary into your life!

“We all deserve a chance to break cycles, bad habits, stereotypes, barriers, and most importantly break past our doubts and fears. ” Repeat after me, “I can do and become anything I desire. All it takes is work, focus and perseverance. “

DreamFocusWork towards it
Achieve it!

“If we live focused on tomorrow we miss out on today. If we live regretting the past, or dwelling on what could have been , then our here and now wastes away cutting our future short. Lets acknowledge the past, live and enjoy today while aiming for a bright future. “

“We can all learn from each other…whether it’s a good example or a really bad one.”

First Reviews

My first reviews were not encouraging. I was so sad when I read my first 5 reviews after a giveaway. I almost cried and stopped writing for a while. Unfortunately, you’re not always going to get it right the first time. These reviews were from total strangers that didn’t hold back their dislikes, comments, and suggestions. Note: They were not rude. It was just not the feedback I expected after putting my work out there. It took me a while to shake it off and continue writing. So if you just wrote a short story, novel, etc… and people don’t instantly love it? Don’t worry, just learn, adapt and don’t give up. Most if not all best-selling authors have gone through it. They didn’t give up and neither should you. Especially if there’s a story you wish to share.

Inspiration & Writers Block

Writer’s Block

I am not an exception to writer’s block. Hence the large gap between publications. Well, what can I say about it? It’s frustrating and disappointing. I’ve had my share of it. We all wish we could dish out 3 books in three months and continue writing with the determination and speed of a train, not losing focus, and making each page better than the last. UNFORTUNATELY, that’s rarely the case. My advice? Don’t give up, be patient, and be positive. Sometimes reading your work can inspire you to continue writing. Other times, its peoples desire to know more, questions about your work, and comments (good and bad) can ignite the fire once again. Hope this helps!


Inspiration can come in many forms and while doing just about anything. I remember when I got my first idea for Kane And The Elven Realms. I was talking with my best friends at a holiday gathering about the current book series we were reading. I casually said, ” wouldn’t be great if the characters had more special abilities and they were even more beautiful?” That was all it took! It began gnawing at me, urging me to start writing. A few months later I wrote my first three chapters. I then sent them over to my besties. The feedback was great but I was still not convinced it would develop into a full blown story. Another time, I was in the theatre watching Avatar and BAM! I got another idea. For me music plays a great part in my inspiration process. I usually have my favorite tunes playing in the background as I write my ideas down. I believe that the best writers are the ones that can transport you to their world, make you excited, sad, and often feel the characters’ emotions blossom inside you.